After discovering and developing the body’s orga(s)m1c potential in Tantr1c Sensitive Massage, these waves of pleasure are heightened in this next level Massage. In this way, one’s se.X.ual1ty begins to transform.

The Total Ecst4sy Massage serves to release trauma and blockages at a more profound level through y0n1 for women and l1ng4m for men. The geN.1tals store your organs just like reflexology of the feet and hands, as well as fear, anger, pain or trauma. Through massage we are releasing those stored emotions and traumas for people to have a more satisfying and fulfilled life.

Y0n1 in Sanskrit means “sacred space” or “sacred temple”, and is the name given for the and va.G.1na. In the Tantr1c philosophy, the Y0n1 is treated with the utmost love and respect.

L1ng4m is a Sanskrit word that is given to the masculine s3X.ual organ. The literal translation means “pillar of light”. In Tantr1c philosophy, the L1ng4m is honored and respected for channeling creative energy and pleasure.


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